Despot, Lust and Sorrow

But what I really want is a hat

with enormous black brims

so I can walk in the city of phantoms

and hit everyone on the shoulder

or in the face, depending on height




Marina Rubin's first chapbook Ode to Hotels came out in 2002, followed by Once in  2004 and Logic in 2007. Her work had appeared in hundreds of magazines including 13th Warrior Review,  Asheville Poetry Review, Dos Passos Review,  5AM, Nano Fiction, Coal  City, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Jewish Currents, Lillith, Pearl, Poet Lore, Skidrow Penthouse, The Portland Review, The Worcester Review and many more. She  is an associate editor of Mudfish. She has been nominated for the Pushcart. She lives in New York where she works as a headhunter on Wall Street while writing her fourth book, a collection of flash fiction stories.