
You’ll never find me;

I inhabit the realm
between imagination
and fear,
denizen of the dark
of vast pines
and Himalayan
a shadow
in the timberline,
a ghost in the snow.

The First Peoples
knew me,
left offerings
at the edge
of the village,
but you follow
me against
my desire,
gather tufts
of hair,
cast enormous
in the mud;

I will retreat
deeper into
until there are
no more trees.


Robert René Galván, born in San Antonio, resides in New York City where he works as a professional musician and poet. His previous collections of poems are entitled, Meteors, published by Lux Nova Press, and Undesirable: Race and Remembrance, published by Somos en Escrito Foundation Press. His work has been nominated for Best of Web 2020 and twice for the Pushcart Prize for 2020. His forthcoming books of poetry are The Shadow of Time, Adelaide Books and Standing Stones, Finishing Line Press.