contributor bios

Cynthia Linville teaches writing at California State University at Sacramento and hosts a local Friday night reading series. Her poetry has recently appeared in the Sacramento News and Review, the Sacramento BeeBrevities, the Cosumnes River Journal, the Rattlesnake ReviewSong of the San Joaquin and WTF. She is managing editor for

[d]avid : [t]omaloff (b. 1972) | racine, WI, US | author, LIONTAMER’S BLUES (six eight press) | likes: jazz | hates: jazz | photography: yes | his work has also appeared in: Ditch Poetry, Otoliths, elimae, and/or, Counterexample Poetics, BlazeVOX 2KX, the Delinquent, and Calliope Nerve | see:

Felipe Rivera is co-founder and editor for the La Ventana political journal and its literary supplement, El analfabeto. He has been published in Cipactli, the San Francisco State University Latino art and literature journal, the oldest and longest-lasting of its kind in the United States. 

Harry Calhoun’s articles, literary essays and poems have appeared in magazines including Writer’s Digest and The National Enquirer. Check out his online chapbook Dogwalking Poems and his trade paperback, I knew Bukowski like you knew a rare leaf. This year, his poems were published in the book The Black Dog and the Road and his chapbooks, Something Real, Near daybreak, with a nod to Frost and Retreating Aggressively into the Dark. He’s had recent publications in Chiron Review, Orange Room Review  The Centrifugal Eye, and many others. He edits Pig in a Poke magazine. Find out more at

Jennifer Phillips is a MFA candidate in poetry at Minnesota State University at Moorhead. She has worked in biomedical sciences and knows way too much about how creepy biology can be.

Joseph M. Gant is a scientific glassblower by trade but a writer by passion. His work has appeared modestly in the independent, academic, and commercial press. Joseph lives in the Philadelphia area where he edits poetry for Sex and Murder Magazine. His first full-length collection of poetry, Zero Division, is forthcoming with Rebel Satori Press.

Laura LeHew loves zombie movies, Dexter, and Anne Carson [in a purely platonic-poetic way] she is hoping for a non-CGI comeback of Werewolves; she has one husband [whom she met at a science fiction convention], eight cats [Nikita (la Femme), Tessa, Mr. Socks, Baby, Dorian (yes he is grey), and the Army of Darkness (Raven, Shadow and Smoke)]; she never sleeps. She is also the Editor of

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal lives in Southern California and works in the mental health field in Los Angeles County.  His chapbook, Digging A Grave, is available from Kendra Steiner Editions.  His poetry has appeared in Blue Collar Review, Right Hand Pointing, and Unlikely Stories.

Nathan Logan is the author of the chapbooks Arby's Combo Roundup (Mondo Bummer), Dick (Pangur Ban Party), and Holly from Muncie (Spooky Girlfriend Press). He is a doctoral student in creative writing at the University of North Texas.

Peter Schwartz's poetry has been featured in The Collagist, The Columbia Review, Diagram, and Opium Magazine.  His latest collection Old Men, Girls, and Monsters was published as part of the Achilles Chapbook Series.  He’s an interviewer for the PRATE Interview Series, a regular contributor to The Nervous Breakdown, and the art editor for DOGZPLOT.

Roxanne Broda-Blake is a twenty-year-old human anatomy enthusiast, studying biological anthropology in Central New York. She likes to stitch together science and art in the leaky basement of her brain.

Scryer Veratos was born on a comet headed towards earth during the jurassic period and has been writing poetry since. He invented the lightbulb. He also has a small gnome assistant named Riri.

Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick graduated with her Masters in Fine Arts from Sarah Lawrence College in 2010. She recently completed her first full-length manuscript of essays and poetry and has a chapbook in print. She writes in New York and Texas. 

Tanuj Solanki works in an insurance firm in Bombay. He is 24. His work has been published in elimaeShort, Fast and Deadly;Boston Literary Magazine; Yes, Poetry, and others. He is currently completing a short story collection about fatalism in Indian cities, titled The Bom Bay of Life. He just can’t learn swimming.